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Government Relations


A key element of any business and industry association is a strong outreach to Capitol Hill and the regulatory agencies in Washington, DC that oversee your association members.  Association ROI provides your association or coalition with professional, top-tier, and bi-partisan government relations and lobbying services in Washington, DC. Your association will be able to provide its members with all the tools necessary to conduct a meaningful and effective government relations and lobbying strategy including:   

General government relations and lobbying services


AROI can assist your association with educating Washington elected leaders and decision-makers on your technologies, products and services, and by developing positive brand equity throughout the U.S. federal government by concentrating on those departments, agencies and congressional committees that matter to the association.


We can develop a more substantive and active collaboration with the numerous institutions in Washington that have jurisdiction, oversight, funding and research; governmental offices that directly affect your members business plans.


AROI will monitor and report on key legislation affecting your industry association and recommend strategies to address particularly important legislation to the industry.

Congressional Relations and Regulatory Affairs

AROI would assist with congressional relations; developing a closer, more professional and sustained relationship with the congressional delegations that represent your members facilities and employees, lobbying on specific legislative and regulatory issues, advising on current policy and political developments, and regulatory affairs.


We will identify particular members of Congress important to the association based on geography, association with association members, and key congressional committees with a dovetail to the mission of the association.


If there is a proposed or existing law or regulation that particularly impacts your association - positively or negatively - then AROI can work with the key congressional committees or regulatory agencies to address the issue to the benefit of your association. 


Business to Government

AROI can advise your association members’ sales forces on best practices and approaches with business to government (b2g) sales; specifically sales to U.S. federal departments and agencies that could contract for your industry’s technologies, products, and services.


Embassy Relations

As your industry may be global and international in scope, AROI can provide your industry association with introductions, strategy, and tactics on how to leverage the significant resources of a particular country’s Embassy to help your industry enter a new economic market.


Lobbying in all 50 states

AROI has strategic business partnerships with ‘state government relations’ firms.  If a state law or regulation is of concern to your industry a needs immediate lobbying attention, then AROI can help locate and introduce your association to a firm that can help directly lobby in each of the 50 state capitols and legislatures.

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